A Threshold Repertory Production
The Book of Will
written by Lauren Gunderson
directed by Evan Parry
William Shakespeare is dead. His closest friends miss him and his plays -- and now all of the words are disappearing into pirated works and the forgetful memory of time.
To prevent people stealing his work, Shakespeare wrote plays in pieces, putting the parts together when the actors were on stage. But who’s to stop people from stealing it after he dies?
When a rip-off Hamlet hits the stage (“To be or not to be, ay! there’s the point”) Shakespeare’s friends are furious. They set off on a mad chase to compile a book of Will’s plays -- but to make one, they’ll battle dodgy publishers, boozy rivals, and worst of all, time. Lauren Gunderson’s look at Shakespeare’s First Folio is a lively, funny, poignant love letter to theatre and the printed word.
Performance Running Time: Approximately 2 hours plus a 10 minute intermission.