Wolf Hall
By Mike Poulton
Director: Mary Gould
Audition Date: By Appointment
Location: Threshold Repertory Theatre
84.5 Society Street, Charleston, SC 29401
Performance Dates: October 7th - October 23rd, 2022 (Fri -Sun, Thu-Sun & Thu-Sun)
Additional Information:
We are still auditioning for a few roles.
-William Brereton / Harry Percy: mid-late 30s. Both are noblemen. Both are accused of being Anne Boleyn’s lovers. One actor plays both parts.
-Thomas Wyatt: late 20s. Accused of being Anne Boleyn’s lover. He is volatile, risk taking, careless and violent.
-Henry Norris: late 30s. Also accused of being Anne Boleyn’s lover. He is in fact “too close” to her. He is referred to as “gentle Norris,”: the perfect courtier.
-George Boleyn: late 30s. Anne Boleyn’s brother. Also accused of being one of her lovers. He is attractive, a great womanizer and an accomplished poet.
-Rafe Sadler: 21 years old. He is seasoned and steady as a man twice his age. He grew up in Thomas Cromwell's home and is his Chief Clerk. He never puts a wrong foot forward.
If you are interested in auditioning, please contact: Mary@SouthofBroadway.com
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There are currently no shows available for auditions.
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Threshold Repertory Theatre will be holding auditions in the near future for the remaining shows of our 13th season.
Please check back regularly for updates, signup below for audition announcements, or email us at Thresholdrep@gmail.com
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